Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Cameron continues to do a little better everyday.
 His new favorite pass time is to shoot whoever is in the room with his Nerf guns. He has been busy this weekend playing Uno with his brothers and sister.....
Cameron is doing well out of the ICU, however we do miss all the nurses and staff down there.
They are now checking his vitals every eight hours..this started as every hour , then back to two hours, and then to four hours and finally every eight...Respiratory therapy was cut from every four hours to an as needed basis.  These are all awesome things because Cameron is able to get more rest and it is all signs that Cameron is getting better.

Cameron still has the Pancreatitus and it will probably get a CT done on it this week if the numbers don't look better. The blood work they took to check on Cameron's liver looked fine.

Cameron still does not have a NG tube and continues to get TPN through his IV(this is how he eats).  Cameron has adjusted to getting his meds mixed in his pudding okay.

Today during Physical therapy they got him into a wheel chair.  This was a nice change for Cameron they wheeled him around with his Nerf gun in Hand.  Tomorrow they said they would take him to the Physical therapy gym.

The physical therpist said that on their end he is a ready for Tampa General Hospital.  The two things holding him up is the pancreatitus and the bllod clot that he has.

We believe that we will be moved from All Children's to Tampa General Hospital in the next couple of weeks. This is were the best children's rehabilitation center is located.  They are projecting that Cameron will need to be there for two to three months.  Then after that he will have out patient rehabilitation.  Cameron continues to make progress daily, and we are thankful for each step he takes.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wednesday 5-25-11

Cameron was busy today with all of his normal speech therapy, and respiratory therapy.

During speech the therapist brought Cameron breakfeast, eggs and bisquits with honey.
Cameron just had a couple of smalllllll bites of each but seemed to do ok with it.

They decided to go ahead and have Cameron do a swallow study...Since early in the morning he decided to pull out his NG tube again....(I notice that he is successful in doing this when J.P. is sitting with him and I'm not there......)
This is where they give him different consistancies of food for him to swallow....they gave him pasta, bread, apple sauce, ice cream and juice.  They do this while x-raying him on video.  They study the video to make sure that he closes his airway while swallowing.
It was exhaustng for Cameron just to get to the room that they had to perform this in.  They had to put him on a special chair...that was not comfortable if you could move yourself around...it was horrible for Cameron. He has to have somebody support his head, back, and his limbs....this chair had no sides and had to be X-ray friendly.
Cameron did okay on swallowing things like apple sauce, pudding or yogurt.  He is not okay swallowing liquids apparently the timing for liquids is harder then the pure consistancy.
For now Cameron does not have his NG tube back in.  They switched all of his medicines to pills.  They crush the pills and put them in either applesauce or pudding.  He then has to eat them in just a couple of bites.
(For me it was easier for it to go thru the NG tube because it could be done while he was sleeping or anything...)  Now we have to coax him into taking the bites....this is not easily done.

Cameron still has pancreatitus and because of this he still can not eat...by way of food or NG tube. He is being fed stil by TPN.  It's been about two weeks that we have had this diagnosis.  The GI doctors are going to run some blood work on his liver to make sure everything is ok. ( these two organs work together)

Thursday 5-26-11

Well we are officially out of the ICU!!!!!!!!!!  We have MOVED up to the 8th floor this afternoon.
Cameron had fun during speech therapy this morning, he played UNO and I spy after he did his special word exercises....
They had Cameron sit on the edge of his bed during physical and occupational therapy.   Cameron needs the practice still to try to sit up and gain head control. Each day we notice he is able to tolerate this little longer then the day before.

Aunt Kim came up to sit with Cameron yesterday, while I went to a school function.  This was the first time that we (either dad, J.P. or myself) have left him all at once.  Cameron had fun shooting the nerf dart guns that Aunt Kim got him for his birthday. They had Mema and Pop pop keep them company for a little bit.

Cameron didn't end up sleeping too much...maybe three hours.....which meant I got about the same amount...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunday 05-22-11
Cameron was busy Sunday morning he pulled his NG tube and his nose trumpet....They did put the NG tube back.  The speech therapist came in and had him try some more ice chips, and then moved on to having Cameron try some apple juice, he didn't do so well the first time it went down his airway.  A little while later during therapy he tried it again and did ok with it.
Later in the day I asked him how the apple juice was he said he didn't like it and he spit it out on purpose.  Cameron had a very long nap on Sunday and didn't end up sleeping very soundly during the night.

Monday 05-23-11

Wow what accomplishments he had today....Cameron's nurse was on a mission for him to sit in a chair and she did it first thing in the morning.  It took THREE people to do this.  The nurse had to hold Cameron like an over sized infant.  It was so hard to watch Camerons head lay on her sholder because he didn't have control of it. He sat in the chair for about ten minutes, that was all that he could handle. 

Cameron was able to get a good nap in and then he had physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy all at once in the afternoon.  Cameron was able to try a popsicle, juice and gatorade today, they thickened the gatorade (they made almost like a pudding consistency) to make it easier for Cameron to swallow. 

He is still getting respiratory therapy about every four hours.  He really doesn't care for this they still pat hard on his chest for him to loosen the flem up in his chest.  This is helpful for when he coughs and each day and is getting stronger.

The cardioologist came by after they performed his echo on his heart. Cameron's heart is up to 55% and the  Cardiomyopathy seemed to be getting a little better.

Cameron still has pancreatitus and still is not getting fed through his NG tube.  He is still getting TPN (total parental nutritionthrough his IV.

Tuesday 05-24-11

Cameron slept really well Monday night from 10:30 P.M. to 4:00 A.M. After that he was dosing off and on.

During Cameron's physical therapy they moved him to the edge of the bed to perform some leg exercises off the edge like kicking.  The occupational therapist held Cameron up from behind.  They positioned cameron's arms to the side so that he would know how to hold himself up and balance himself.  Let me be clear Cameron has no strength to do anything on his own he is always assisted by the hospital staff. 

During speech therapy Cameron drank some apple juice and tried some jello. They converted his bed to a chair positition to change things for him a little...

Cameron continues to get Respratory therapy every four hours wether he likes it or not

Cameron's speech is getting better and louder.  After having the breathing tube he just didn't have the muscles to project so that we could hear him....

Cameron is getting a little better everyday, they are small steps which is great as long as they go in the rite direction...

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Thursday May 19th. We asked for there not to be any visitors for Cameron we wanted him to have very low to no stimulation.  J.P. and I had to really monitor how Cameron was getting suctioning done by his nurses and his respiratory therapist.  Some got a little offended and said that they have been doing this along time...we kindly informed them that we understand that but this was the first time working on our son and made them listen to the brief medical history on Cameron....

Cameron had his last sub clinical seizure on Thursday at 12:30 P.M.  The Neurologist saw some activity on the EEG but not anything for long period of times and Cameron is ways responsive before, during and after.  The Neurologist has adjusted Cameron's seizure medicines.

The cardiologist had another echo done and his heart is back down to 50% But this was okay for Cameron's cardio team because they have taken him off all heart medicines.  Cameron's left ventricle was working at 50% all by its self!! and this should improve with time. 
A couple of days ago they did discover that Cameron has Cardiomyopathy and on this echo this seemed to improve as well.

The cardio team wanted to check to see if Cameron's twin, Tyler has this same condition. They wanted to see if they were born with it.  Tyler had an Echo on Wednesday and thankfully Tyler does not have it. So the cardiologist thinks that Cameron got this heart condition from all the stress on his heart from this ...virus.

Friday May 20th.  We still limited visitors for Cameron.  The Neurologist did okay for Cameron to have his physical therapy and speech therapy. Cameon got to have three ice chips during speech therapy and he loved them!!! Each day Cameron is getting a little stronger with the coughing.  He tries to talk but it is very difficult to understand.

Saturday May 21st.  Cameron was able to get the EEG off of his head.  J.P. said that he pulled out his NG tube (feeding tube) on his own.  So he had to get that placed back in.  Cameron over the coarse of the past couple of days was able to be weaned off the nasal seapap machine. (this machine forced air threw his nose)
He had his physical therapy, occupational therapy, and his speech therapy.  Cameron enjoyed about 8 to 10 ice chips through the day. Cameron recognized said  mema and pop pop's names...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

05-17-11 thru 5-18-11

Well we have hit some bumps in our journey to Cameron getting well.  I believe he purposely waited for me to be completely be rehydrated to start acting up....

Cameron is still not coughing Strong enough to be able to loosen all the mucus in his throat.  He just sounds terrible. I almost feel as though he is drowning in the mucus.  The nurses and the respiratory therapist have to suction it out threw both his nose and his mouth.  It is horrible to watch and hear.......

Cameron did have a busy day yesterday, he had physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
They had him sitting up in his bed, of coarse the two physical therapist had to completely hold him up it reminded me of when he was new born trying to get him to sit up.

Cameron just has not been able to sleep for the past couple of days....because of his breathing.  When I watch him he takes shallow breathes and will start to Doze off , then wakes himself to take a deep breath.

I feel like Cameron has just been having a hard time since they have taken the breathing tube out.  He seems to be in pain and never comfortable.  It is very hard to watch this as a mother, as a step father, a sister, and as brothers.

Early this morning around 5:00 I went to get the nurse because Cameron was sounding like he was drowning in his mucus.  His nurse came in to suction him and the respiratory therapist came into assist, Cameron did his normal struggle when they do this (trying to push their hands away and making his stinky face).  After a bit he stopped, it appeared as though he lost consciousness, they then asked what he looks like when he has seizures. The very first of Cameron's seizures was the typical shaking limbs and foaming at the mouth. After that with all he has been through it was more likely to be the limp unconcious appearance.
Thankfully Dr. Stock was the attending early this morning.
Dr Stock was the Docor who was here in the evening that Cameron was admitted nearly three weeks ago and witnessed first hand that Cameron's seizures are not typical (Cameron has Sub Clinical Seizures that can only be seen on an EEG), that Cameron could still be seizing nuerologically.

She ordered for them to get him down immediately for the CT scan and then ordered for and EEG to be put on Cameron (the nurses were argueing that he wasn't seizing any more and didn't need a CT or EEG) .  The scan appeared to be ok, they wanted to check to be sure it wasn't more damage to Cameron's brain and check for a stroke.

To our relief the CT came back negitive for Stroke or any new damage, however the EEG later that morning showed a second seizure which they quickly gave Cameron medication to help him. He came too about 2 hours later. Nodding his head, speaking with his raspy voice and squizing our hands with his. What a relief again.

Later that afternoon durning his Vitals Check they found him to have a 103 fever, once again they gave him some tylenol to help with his fever and it also went away about an hour later. Around 9:00 pm our nurse got a call from his Neurologist saying he was having Sub Clincal Seizures again (these type of seizures can only be seen on an EEG). The strange thing is he was also responsive to comands before and after the call from the doctor. So once again more medication. As of 11:00pm tonight he is once again stable and JP and I will have anther sleepless night watching his EEG and Stats.

Monday, May 16, 2011

05-16-11 - From MOM

Well yesterday they took Cameron off the breathing machine.  Cameron is very uncomfortable and his throat  is very soar after having the tube down it for over two weeks. He needs to cough and has lots of flem to cough up but doesn't seem to want to do this because his throat is so soar.  They say that it takes lots of muscles to cough and he hasn't used them in over two weeks, so this will take a few days to get used to.
The respiratory therapist comes in about every four hours to turn on the vibrating hospital bed then suction his throat, and yes a rubber tube gets shoved up his nose....yuck!

Cameron had a busy day today.....He had an Echo on his heart and his left ventricle is now up to 57% which is awesome!!! 

Cameron has started with speech therapy today, which didn't seem to be anything to major for now.
They are wanting Cameron to be able to swallow normally before they start him on clear liquids.
The therapist showed me some games to play so that he can relearn this. They seemed very happy with everything that Cameron can already do...

Cameron started physcal therapy last week and this continues. I believe they will start having him sit up in his bed in the next coouple of days. 

He also has pancreitus.  They discovered this a couple of days ago and stopped feeding him through the NG tube ( tube threw his nose) and started back IV feeding him TPN (total parent nutrition).  They say this is not abnormal and should correct itself after a couple of days.  When they were following up on the pancreitus with a sonogram yesterday, they found a blood clot.  The clot is near were the central line was. (one of the many I V  lines Cameron had in him.) They say this isn't unusual and he is on a blood thinner and they will be monitoring this.

The Neuro sergeons are sending Cameron down for another MRI tomorrow.  If everything goes well with this then they will cut back there visits down to once a week.  I will miss them and how excited they get when they see Cameron and all his progress, but I know that its because of all his progress that they can reduce the visits.

Our Disease Infectious Doctor came in today to tell us that they still are not sure of what caused this.
We have lists of every test that has been done and every test so far has either been negative....or that he has antibodies for meaning he had in the past and didn't cause this... 
We still have about four things (all the Encephalitis diagnosis like west nile, eastern Equine) that we are still waiting on the states results on.  They say that we have about a 50% chance of even finding out what this was for sure.  We know that it was nothing bacterial and that it was something viral.

 I am so thankful for the nurses and doctors here at All Childrens Hospital. I know that Cameron is in the best care here.

Thank you for again for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5-14-11/5-15-11 Update


Yesterday we celebrated the twins's 12th birthday. We had lots of visitors and sugary treats to celebrate.

There wasn't too much different yesterday. Cameron is still communicating through head nods and and left eye winks. If you ask him a question thaat he is unsure of he will shrug his shoulders. So far he can tell us if he is in pain and where it's at (if we ask him through process of elimination.), how old he is, if yesterday was his birthday, if he likes this show, if the tv is too loud or quiet, if he wants us to change the channel, if he wants us to read to him, if he's tired, and anything else that requires a yes or no answer (and again, he only answers yes or no if we ask him the question, like "Cameron, is the tv too loud?" or "Cameron, do you like this show?" and "Cameron, are you in pain?... Is it your head?... Is it your arms?") He is also starting to move his arms and legs a little bit more often without stimulation (on his own) or on command (when we ask him to do so).

Today we discovered that Cameron is no longer on any antibiotics and that he has been breathing on his own, completely, since about 7 a.m. this morning. He will probably be taken off of his breathing machine either today or tomorrow and might not have to use a trech.

Tomorrow he has another Echo for his heart and we will be posting the udate for that and anyother news that occurs tomorrow.

Once again we thank EVERYONE for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

5-12-11/5-13-11 Update

Well, it looks like we have some catching up to do.....

Wednesday afternoon the neuro doctors decided to put the EEG back onto Cameron's head (this is the machine that shows Cameron's brain wave patterns. there were about fifty little wires connected to his head)  They decided to do this as precaution because Cameron's eyes were acting a little weird a couple of times (as mentioned in the last update).  Turns out everything was fine and the EEG came off on Thursday morning.
Thursday Cameron had an MRI done. They had clamped the drain line and wanted to make sure that the fluid was being absorbed properly into his body.  It was, so they were able to pull out his drain line.
Cameron's head is now clear of all drain lines and EEG cords....
Cameron also had an Echo done on his heart, we found out that his heart is now up to 50%. slowly making his way up to 70%....

Friday....Wow!!! what an amazing day!!!
Cameron was asked by Neuro Surgeons to hold up his thumb and then to hold up two fingers.  He was able to accomplish both!!!
Later in the day Cameron's nurse, Sheryl noticed that he really seemed to be paying attention to what is going on around him.  So the Nurse told him that he was in the hospital and that he was very sick and that they were taking care of him.  She told him that they would make sure that everything would be explained to him as to what things were being done to him and what it was for.
this is when we developed a system for him to say yes and no.
Cameron now winks his left eye for yes or nods his head slightly up and down.
two eye close for no or he will shake his head a little.
She had asked him a series of questions to answer, like can you feel me touching your foot, then are you in pain?  He had answered yes to these questions.  She then asked if he was five years old his eyes got real big then he shook is head no, then she asked are you eleven and he said yes.

Needless to say past nurses have come in and have asked to see his accomplishments and are all very happy to see how muh he has iumproved.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

5-11-11 Update


During respatory theropy Cameron began moving his left arm quite a few times, the first time it was as if he was about to hit his dad (of course he didn't because he doesn't have corditation yet.). After that he began flopping it around, & then atempted to extend his arm a couple times.

Four hours later during another respatory theropy session not only did he move his left arm again, but also started moving his right arm! He wasn't as active with is right arm that time as he was with the left arm the first time, but we always look forward to ANY improvements. During tat session Cameron also moved his head from side-to-side (only a little bit at a time. It was more like slightly rolling his head to the opposite side of the side he was facing before.) a couple times. JP also thought he saw Cameron slightly move his legs in ward then back outward, but we aren't completely sure if that's what really happen, or f he thought he saw it from all the movement of the respatory theropy.

We are EXREMELY proud of Camerons accoplishments and are looking forward to what he's going to do next.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5-10-11 over all updated (Lauren's point of view)

So we have decided that while us kids are away from the hospital, we will leave it up to Mom to update the blog since she has a better understanding of what's going on considering she's here WAY more than we are.

So yesterday when we arrived to the hospital we only recieved good news. his heart is now up to 45% when the nurses want it to be up to 70%, so he's working his way up. Cameron also has been doing respatory theropy to get the rest of the fluids out of his lungs.

Last night when we visited Cameron, he was "awake" (opening his eyes) for a good hour before we headed over to the ROnald MDonald House for a night's rest.

This morning JP told us that he had been "awake" for a majority of the night. We're thinking he has his nights and days mixed up. At the moment he is sleeping while we are doing our homework and Tyler plans on reading to him once he "wakes up" again.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5-10-11 a.m. Update (Mom's point of view)

Cameron opened his eyes this morning on his own.  We were very excited , this was the first time doing this with out being poked and prawed at.  When I went to him he seemed to focus in on me and then J.P.  Cameron's dad came in shortly after so he got to see Cameron with his eyes open too.

Cameron was propped on his right side and his head was in the direction of the T.V.  so we put cartoons on for him for some stimulation that the Nero doctors recommended.  He appeared as though he watched the T.V. for about 20-30 minutes. That was all that he could handle he fell asleep.

The Nero Surgeons came in  a little while later to examin Cameron. We told them everything that he did this morning  and they said that was probably all that would handle for that morning.  So they decided not to perform the usual pain stimulation on Cameron today.

Cameron has recieved several respratory theropy sessions in the past 24 hours and will continue until the fluid is cleared out of his right lung.

thank you for all the prayers for our family....

Monday, May 9, 2011

05-09-11 mommy's point of view

Alright now I'm irritated...i already wrote a post for this and it didn't publish...errrrrr

Cameron continues to improve, slowly improve...
Sunday Cameron seemed to be exhausted from Saturdays events of pooping and slightly opening his eyes for us, so he just repeated it (practice makes perfect) Which was wonderful and we were completely happy with.

Today we got wonderful news from the cardiologist that Cameron's left ventricle has improved to 45% it needs to be in 70% range.
He stills continue to fight fevers everyday, they think it might be from his brain healing and trying to reboot as they put it. They also started to do physical thearapy on him today, moving all of his legs and arms to make sure they don't tighten up on him.

The Neurologist came in and took off all his EEG wires so we no longer have the cam T.V. brain activity to watch...(The EEG monitored for Cam's seizures and brain activity.) 
When the Nero surgeons were checking over Cameron and they had his eyes opened he actually focused in on me when i called to him.
Later in the day  Mema and Poppop came up to visit, Cameron opened his eyes, he focused on me and then on Mema when she called his name.
These small events mean the world to us..

Lauren, Tyler, and Ethan went to school today and will go on Tuesday.   They will spend the night with us in the evening on Tuesday and all day Wednesday. 

Cameron received his sponge bath today by four nurses, J.P. was jealous.

I will update tomorrow, thank you for your support and prayers.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

5-6-11/5-7-11 Update

Sorry I didn't post an update yesterday but there wasn't very much to post.

Yesterday Cameron started to initiate about 15-20 breaths a minute on his own with the breathing machine pushing him through the rest of the breath. He also did a little cough, indicating he is starting to become aware of his surroundings. We can also tell that he is agitated by his wild EEG (what measures your brain activity).

Last night his blood pressure was high for what the nurses wanted and he had a fever of 103 degrees. The nurses tried to cool him down by putting cold wash clothes on him. It wasn't until Aunt Tara came in to save the day and started barking orders at him (as JP described it). Then his blood pressure lowered and his temperature went back to normal.

This morning when we got to the hospital JP told us that Cameron had pooped for the first time (which is REALLY good because his bowls are working). He also did another cough and gag. When a doctor came around to check his sensitivity and pain he opened his eyes for a brief second after gently shaking his chest and calling his name. The nurses repeated this to show mom what he did and he twitched his arms and opened his eyes again and it looked as though he briefly looked around and he closed his eyes again. A while after that he started to open his right eye slightly.

We are so proud of his progress and can't wait for Cameron to wake up. Thank you once again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers and signing up to donate a meal to our family. It is all greatly appreciated.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5-5-11 a.m. Update

We spent the morning at Aunt Kim's and Uncle Chris's swimming and arrived at the hospital around 2:30 in the afternoon.

I (Lauren) was eager to find out any news. Turns out there wasn't much.
Mom told me that JP thought he saw an airplane (you know, the ones you see sometimes at the beach waving a banner behind it advertising for Hooters or something.) waving a banner behind it. He wasn't completely sure as to what it said but one of the three words he thought it said was "Pray for Cameron". He was surprised because this was early in the morning around 7:30. He could've been seeing things because of lack of sleep.

Last night Cameron had a small fever, probably caused by stress or agitation, but the nurses jokingly said it was because he didn't want to take his bath (sponge bath). The doctors also put some therapeutic boots on his feet and legs to keep his circulation, they increased his intake through the ND feeding tube (which is like a baby formula), decreased his TPN (Total Parental Nutrition {JP calls it his McDonald's}), and he has a lot more brain activity, perhaps too much than we wanted (this is may be caused by the coma medicane). We think that's just from agitation from reducing his meds.

We aren't sure when he will be waking up but yesterday we were told anywhere from 5 days to 3 weeks, but we are thinking more to whenever he actually feels like waking up (he is our late sleeper). From what Mom and JP say none of the doctors can agree on when, so they told them to talk to one anther before they talk to them. You would think with 100 years of college between the 5 of them they would know how to have a meeting of the minds. Just my thought!

Thank you everyone who has volunteered for dinner and keeping Cameron and our family in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update as of 5-4-11 morning

(Another email from Uncle Chris to the Piperfire Co.)

Cameron seems like he is out to prove the Doctor’s wrong at every turn.  Cameron’s body and organs have stabilized.  There have been no further failures, although the Doctors have warned of the possibility of future failures, it is great to have had two days of relative stable conditions.  We are all ecstatic.

Last night Cameron had an MRI to determine the extent of his brain damage and to determine if there were blood clots or bleeds after the operation.  He was free and clear of anything imminently dangerous, but there had been significant trauma to the frontal lobe of the brain and another area as well.  The neurologist stated that he had seen worse and had patients make a full recovery.  He also stated that he had seen less damage in patients that had life long struggles.   

Today, they have stopped the medication that is keeping Cameron in a coma.  The next week or so will be a sensitive time for our family and Cameron.  He is likely to have some difficult reactions as he comes out of this coma.  He may be sensitive to noise, smell, and light.  He may also have outbursts and emotional problems.  He will be starting some music therapy over the next couple of weeks from what we were told.  From what we understand, this is going to be a slow process with small victories and set backs along the way.  

As a family, we are all in awe of where we are today in contrast to Saturday morning.  We think our entire family can all agree that this was the worst day in our collective lives.  The tears are bit rarer and smiles and laughs are much more common since yesterday.  We all feel truly blessed at where we have come in a VERY short period of time. 

Us kids have really held up well throughout this process.  Today is their first day to spend some considerable time away from the hospital since Saturday.  We are at home to visit their dog and get some relaxation time away from the stresses of the hospital.  We have been sleeping at the Ronald McDonald house and taking most of their meals and spending most of their time in Cameron’s room or in the hospital waiting room.  All Children’s is an amazing place for patients and siblings.  It is very kid-friendly.  The counselors meet and speak to the kids daily about what is going on and encourages them as well as the adults to talk about what is going on with each other. 

We sincerely appreciate all of you who have sent cards, emails, texts, and dinners.  The support of the community has been nothing short of overwhelming for Jennifer and JP.  As JP said, “We truly would not have made it through this if not for our family and friends.”  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The story so far... (as of 5-2-11)

Originally sent out by Uncle Chris as a Piperfire e-mail & was altered so we (Lauren, Tyler, & Ethan) could start Cameron's blog.

Jennifer and JP asked me to send out an update on their son, Cameron, whom many of you know was transported from Helen Ellis Hospital to All Children’s Hospital Friday with seizures.  He is still fighting for his life this morning, but we wanted to start this blog to keep everyone informed.  We will relay as much information as we have as accurately as we can and will keep you updated on Cameron’s condition. 

Cameron had been sick with a fever for two or three days.  He had breaks in his fever, but was lethargic and extremely tired.  He is normally a very active kid.  On Friday morning as Cameron’s dad, Howie, was getting Cameron’s brothers Tyler and Ethan ready for school, Cameron started having seizures.  He was rushed by ambulance to Helen Ellis Memorial Hospital . 

Initial diagnosis was that he was having seizures from a high fever and the CAT scan of Cameron’s brain that was performed at Helen Ellis showed no abnormalities.  When family arrived at All Children’s Hospital at about 5:00, Cameron had been their about 2 hours and he still hadn’t regained consciousness and was still having seizures.  The doctor’s were about to perform a spinal tap on him to check for Meningitis when his heart rate and blood pressure spiked.  This caused the team to hold up and they called in a specialist.  It was determined that Cameron’s brain had swelled to a point where it was pushing against his skull to the point that the folds of his brain were undetectable.  They rushed Cameron into emergency surgery and removed the front half of his skull to allow his brain to continue to swell.  The doctor said later that if they had done the spinal tap, he would have died at that moment. 

On Friday night they met with the doctor and he informed them that Cameron would most likely not make it through the weekend.  There was a small hope, 1 in a 1000 perhaps that he would be able to make it through.  Overnight, his condition deteriorated.  His internal organs started to fail.  His pancreas failed, his liver and kidneys started to bleed.  His left ventricle had also stopped working properly.  Saturday morning the doctors informed family that Cameron wouldn’t make it through the day.  We were brought in to see him Saturday about noon.  Up until that point we didn’t know what was happening and as a family, they were trying to keep it quiet so that we wouldn’t hear about it until Jen and JP had decided it was time.  As a family, we grieved throughout the day.  We said many, many prayers and we appreciate the prayers from all of you, your family, and your churches.  By Saturday night, the doctor informed Jenn and JP that there was some minor improvement and that he had upgraded his outlook by the slightest margin.  You can imagine our relief and joy at what many of us believed was an answer to prayer. 

On Sunday Cameron’s kidney function improved marginally, his pancreas function seemed to be improving, and his heart seemed to be getting a little stronger.  By last night they had changed out the ventilator that is keeping Cameron alive to one that will make him start to breathe more normally.  He is fighting for his life. 

Cameron currently has 24 I.V.’s and is hooked up to more machines than we thought existed.  He has at least one nurse at his bedside almost constantly.  The care he is getting is truly without equal anywhere.   

The doctor’s haven’t definitively diagnosed Cameron, but right now believe that he has Encephalitis, contracted from a mosquito bite.  They likened the chances of this type of reaction to being struck by lightning.  They rarely get an opportunity to treat a child. They nearly always come in brain dead.  The good news is that Cameron got to them in time to give him an opportunity to fight this fight. 

The doctors are unsure if Cameron recovers what his brain activity will be like.  They currently give him less than a 10% chance of survival and a far less chance of recovering fully.  I am fervently believing that our Lord Jesus Christ will heal Cameron fully.  We have seen miracles every day in Cameron’s prognosis and we are not giving up hope that he will make a full recovery.  My entire family thanks you so much for your prayers and kind thoughts.  We feel like this is in God’s and Cameron’s hands now.  When you have a spare moment during your day, we would appreciate you lifting Cameron along with Jenn, JP, and us up in your prayers. 

Jenn and JP, as you can imagine, are living minute by minute with almost no sleep and are extremely emotionally drained.  We would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation for your prayers. Please feel free to leave comments and/or prayers on the blog.