Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5-5-11 a.m. Update

We spent the morning at Aunt Kim's and Uncle Chris's swimming and arrived at the hospital around 2:30 in the afternoon.

I (Lauren) was eager to find out any news. Turns out there wasn't much.
Mom told me that JP thought he saw an airplane (you know, the ones you see sometimes at the beach waving a banner behind it advertising for Hooters or something.) waving a banner behind it. He wasn't completely sure as to what it said but one of the three words he thought it said was "Pray for Cameron". He was surprised because this was early in the morning around 7:30. He could've been seeing things because of lack of sleep.

Last night Cameron had a small fever, probably caused by stress or agitation, but the nurses jokingly said it was because he didn't want to take his bath (sponge bath). The doctors also put some therapeutic boots on his feet and legs to keep his circulation, they increased his intake through the ND feeding tube (which is like a baby formula), decreased his TPN (Total Parental Nutrition {JP calls it his McDonald's}), and he has a lot more brain activity, perhaps too much than we wanted (this is may be caused by the coma medicane). We think that's just from agitation from reducing his meds.

We aren't sure when he will be waking up but yesterday we were told anywhere from 5 days to 3 weeks, but we are thinking more to whenever he actually feels like waking up (he is our late sleeper). From what Mom and JP say none of the doctors can agree on when, so they told them to talk to one anther before they talk to them. You would think with 100 years of college between the 5 of them they would know how to have a meeting of the minds. Just my thought!

Thank you everyone who has volunteered for dinner and keeping Cameron and our family in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. LAUREN!! Tell everyone i said hi. Even tho i just saw them yesterday.
    Did you tell Cameron i say hi yet?
    I just wanted to tell all of you that we prayed for you guys last night.
    I don't know how i'm gonna do at the hospital when we all go because i started crying yesterday while we were all eating dinner.
    Tell Cameron That i miss him and we are preying. Call me soon

    Love always,
    The Isguzar Family

  2. Anxiously awaiting an update. Our church is praying for your family. I am friends with Teri Brown in Terre Haute. May God strengthen you all.

  3. My hole family is praying for you guys. Anxiously waiting for a nother update!
