Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cameron was moved out of the ICU on Thursday and onto the seventh floor. 

Cameron had an MRI on Wednesday and everything was fine with his swelling. He also had an x-ray on his head....he has lots of metal holding his skull together......

Cameron continues with a low fat diet because of his pancreatitus. The labs they run for this are starting to look better. It will be nice when this clears up because his menu  will expand and we can get more meat on his bones. Cameron had lost just over ten pounds while he has been in here.

Neuro surgical team wants Cameron out of his bed at least three times a day for an hour each time.

Cameron has caught up to or passed where he was before his surgery on all his progresses he has made....

We had Cameron in his wheel chair today and went outside by the hospitals garden for a little bit today.
This is the first time in over six weeks Cameron has out in the sunlight.....


  1. The Engh's are SO excited for his progress!!! Good Job Cameron!!!
