Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cameron update:
1-12-13- 10:30pm
Well Cameron I would have to say had a better day with no reports of runaway seizures, but still some activity they are still watching closely. At this current time he is on even more drugs than last night, he is up to 150mg per hour of Versed, 375mg per hour of Ketamine, and a lot more. You should see the faces of Nurses at shift change when they are given the report on him, they think it’s a joke. The first two drugs are just to try and to turn his brain off. Go figure a teenager not doing as he is told, but the real truth is that if we can’t achieve the Burst Suppression State that they want then they will have to drop the Ketogentic Diet and go back on the Pentobarbital. At this time he gets very angry when someone touches him, talks too loudly, or hears a loud sound, the brain is programmed to respond to these sounds. So when his brain does respond he gets out of control and starts to seize which is causing more damage to his already sick brain. Well it's going to be a long night I will check in tomorrow.

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