Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
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Keep praying!

Friday, February 1, 2013


Cameron Update:
1-31-13 -9:30p.m.
Ok to say that we have turned the corner with him is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!!! First off this amazing SUPERMAN of a person has turned this hospital on it's head. Lets go back and remember where he was, 1.) Christmas day in a Coma with unstoppable seizures. 2.) MRI after MRI showing progressing brain damage. 3.) World Record Levels of Drugs administered at one time to turn off his brain. 4.) 20 days of Generalized Stetus Epiliptus Seizures which normal kill people in one day. 5.) Waking up while still getting over 100mg of Versed and hour when it only takes 8 to 12 mgs to knock down a grown man. 6.) Start moving a arm and hand while still on heavy drugs. 7.) Start communicating with friends and family at day 30, but drugs weren't stopped till day 35. 8.) Gets breathing tube take out once then put back in 4 hours later, then out again 6 days later. 9.) Day 35 start talking 1 hour after breathing tube is taken out for second time. 10.) Start move both arms, hands, legs, feet, and toes at day 32 thru day 36. 11.) Reading complex sentences at day 35. 12.) Sitting up and holding his weight for over 1 minute at day 36, when last time it took a week of hard work. All I can say is you're the most amazing, strongest man I know. I have learned alot from your my son, you're ment to change the way Hospitals think and treat patients. I am ready for class Professor Superman Cameron. I love you my son.

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