Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cam Update 2-18-2012

Cameron Update: 2-18-13; Ok everyone I know it’s been a week or so sense I have given a true update on Cameron recovery but it has been very busy with Cameron, his brothers and sisters, and also work. I knew that I might have been JINXING ourselves but with our last post of Cameron coming home last week for good but I was just to excited of what it might have been. Cameron isn’t home yet but was able to come home for TWO visits this weekend. Jenn brought him home on Saturday Morning, I took him back Saturday night, then back home on Sunday and then Jenn took him back last night for what should be his last week at TGH. I have to be honest, when I had to pack him up to go back on Saturday night I wasn’t doing to well with it, I could hardly pull out of the driveway. I tried to hide my tears but it was very hard, I also new that if he saw me upset it was cause him to have a break down. So I tried to man up, but for crying out loud I cry at those damn PUBLIX Holiday Commercials every year (YES I AM A MAN AND I CRY). The visit was with him at home, have everyone at the dinner table at one time, having family movie night (“Here comes the BOOM” very funny a must watch) was so the best. We hope this is going to be his last week at TGH, but we will just have to wait and see. I have attached some pictures from Valentines Day, and this weekend, one of pic's just isn't right see if you can find what's wrong with one of these pictures..

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