Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cameron Update: 
1-17-13 - 9:30p.m. 
 WOW where to start, well today we finally had our meeting with Cameron’s Team and as always we still don’t have the answer to what is doing this to him. He still has been seizure free for the past 80 hours. Just like any GREAT MOTHER Jennifer requested an MRI to be done prior to the meeting to check on the progress of the swelling and the White Matter that had been increasing in his brain. Well the good news first, the swelling has gone down, and it looks like the White Matter hasn’t gotten worse. Now the bad news, they found a massive blood clot the runs from his Juggler in his neck around the side of his brain to the back of brain and into the center of his brain. He still has blood flowing thru which is plus. This is being treated by blood thinners at this time, alone with monitoring for any neurological changes. There is a chance of bleeding in his brain because of the Angry Brain Syndrome (Trade Marked 2013) but they are watching him closely and I’m watching them CLOSER

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