Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

December 29, 2012

Cameron Update: 9:33pm; Well the last couple of posts have been a little vague on what his condition, and or status was. There has been a lot of information thrown at us in past couple of days and we needed time to digest it and talk to our family first. The MRI that was taken on Christmas day shows a large amount of NEW Atrophy to his brain compared to his January MRI (1 year ago). These was explained to as a Progressive Atrophy the first time, but later explained that it could also be Residual Atrophy. The difference is Residual Atrophy won’t cause any more damage to him, but Progressive Atrophy is unstoppable and will continue to damage the brain. There is no way of knowing which one it is at this time. That was part one, part two is the results of his latest MRI’s show that his brain has started to swell on the left side and shows more damage to is Left Temporal Lobe. So at this time they have increased his Pentobarbital to keep him in a coma, started him on Steroids, IVIG Transfusions and scheduled him for Brain Biopsy Surgery on Monday. If that wasn’t enough he started to have some issues with lungs, the lower left part of his lug collapsed yesterday but they were able to clear the blockage out last night. Then today he had some issues with oxygen levels, this happens with patients that are on Ventilators. After an hour of cleaning out the build up in his lungs and scaring the crap out of us and his team he went back to normal, but is requiring a higher Oxygen Saturation (he was at 30% but now he is at a 65%). Well that’s enough for tonight, until next time please keep up the good work. Jenn & JP.

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