Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

05-17-11 thru 5-18-11

Well we have hit some bumps in our journey to Cameron getting well.  I believe he purposely waited for me to be completely be rehydrated to start acting up....

Cameron is still not coughing Strong enough to be able to loosen all the mucus in his throat.  He just sounds terrible. I almost feel as though he is drowning in the mucus.  The nurses and the respiratory therapist have to suction it out threw both his nose and his mouth.  It is horrible to watch and hear.......

Cameron did have a busy day yesterday, he had physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
They had him sitting up in his bed, of coarse the two physical therapist had to completely hold him up it reminded me of when he was new born trying to get him to sit up.

Cameron just has not been able to sleep for the past couple of days....because of his breathing.  When I watch him he takes shallow breathes and will start to Doze off , then wakes himself to take a deep breath.

I feel like Cameron has just been having a hard time since they have taken the breathing tube out.  He seems to be in pain and never comfortable.  It is very hard to watch this as a mother, as a step father, a sister, and as brothers.

Early this morning around 5:00 I went to get the nurse because Cameron was sounding like he was drowning in his mucus.  His nurse came in to suction him and the respiratory therapist came into assist, Cameron did his normal struggle when they do this (trying to push their hands away and making his stinky face).  After a bit he stopped, it appeared as though he lost consciousness, they then asked what he looks like when he has seizures. The very first of Cameron's seizures was the typical shaking limbs and foaming at the mouth. After that with all he has been through it was more likely to be the limp unconcious appearance.
Thankfully Dr. Stock was the attending early this morning.
Dr Stock was the Docor who was here in the evening that Cameron was admitted nearly three weeks ago and witnessed first hand that Cameron's seizures are not typical (Cameron has Sub Clinical Seizures that can only be seen on an EEG), that Cameron could still be seizing nuerologically.

She ordered for them to get him down immediately for the CT scan and then ordered for and EEG to be put on Cameron (the nurses were argueing that he wasn't seizing any more and didn't need a CT or EEG) .  The scan appeared to be ok, they wanted to check to be sure it wasn't more damage to Cameron's brain and check for a stroke.

To our relief the CT came back negitive for Stroke or any new damage, however the EEG later that morning showed a second seizure which they quickly gave Cameron medication to help him. He came too about 2 hours later. Nodding his head, speaking with his raspy voice and squizing our hands with his. What a relief again.

Later that afternoon durning his Vitals Check they found him to have a 103 fever, once again they gave him some tylenol to help with his fever and it also went away about an hour later. Around 9:00 pm our nurse got a call from his Neurologist saying he was having Sub Clincal Seizures again (these type of seizures can only be seen on an EEG). The strange thing is he was also responsive to comands before and after the call from the doctor. So once again more medication. As of 11:00pm tonight he is once again stable and JP and I will have anther sleepless night watching his EEG and Stats.


  1. That is a tough night. We are still praying for you!!

  2. We are hoping for a much better day for everyone today! We love you guys and are saying our prayers for all of you!

  3. This is Mrs. Annette (Calusa PLACE.) My family and I are praying every day for Cameron and all your family.
