Purpose of this site...

We (Cameron's sister and brothers) created this site to keep loved ones updated with Cameron's status.
Check back daily for progress reports.
Keep praying!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Cameron continues to do a little better everyday.
 His new favorite pass time is to shoot whoever is in the room with his Nerf guns. He has been busy this weekend playing Uno with his brothers and sister.....
Cameron is doing well out of the ICU, however we do miss all the nurses and staff down there.
They are now checking his vitals every eight hours..this started as every hour , then back to two hours, and then to four hours and finally every eight...Respiratory therapy was cut from every four hours to an as needed basis.  These are all awesome things because Cameron is able to get more rest and it is all signs that Cameron is getting better.

Cameron still has the Pancreatitus and it will probably get a CT done on it this week if the numbers don't look better. The blood work they took to check on Cameron's liver looked fine.

Cameron still does not have a NG tube and continues to get TPN through his IV(this is how he eats).  Cameron has adjusted to getting his meds mixed in his pudding okay.

Today during Physical therapy they got him into a wheel chair.  This was a nice change for Cameron they wheeled him around with his Nerf gun in Hand.  Tomorrow they said they would take him to the Physical therapy gym.

The physical therpist said that on their end he is a ready for Tampa General Hospital.  The two things holding him up is the pancreatitus and the bllod clot that he has.

We believe that we will be moved from All Children's to Tampa General Hospital in the next couple of weeks. This is were the best children's rehabilitation center is located.  They are projecting that Cameron will need to be there for two to three months.  Then after that he will have out patient rehabilitation.  Cameron continues to make progress daily, and we are thankful for each step he takes.

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